Archive for February, 2009

My Ipod is Out of Batteries–I’m Glad I Have You

To the drunk girl on the bus,

I love your honesty.  When you say “I’m soooooo drunk,” I can tell by your wandering glance and sea-legs on land that you really mean it.  Your every move is made with childlike wonder, as you point to your friend and tell her she’s “soooo pretty,” or as you point out the window to a nearby pizza place, you’re “soooo hungry.”  You’re all smiles now, but it’s pretty obvious that soon, you’ll be soooo sleepy, maybe sooooo sick.  Tomorrow, you’ll be sooooo hungry again, ready for something with eggs and grease in it, and ready to retell the tale of tonight’s escapades.

For now, I thank you.  I’m sooooo entertained.bus_by_night1

-Back of the bus

You Can Take the Girl Out of Socal…

I love your strength.  Your force, your gumption, your all out determination.  Some might say you’re stubborn, unyielding, unwilling to look at the facts that surround you.  I say you’re a free-thinker.  You know what you like, you show where you’re from, even when your surroundings dictate that you hide your roots and walk to the beat of the masses.

Seriously though, it’s like 10 degrees and raining.



This Old House

To the Home I Sold:

You’re a 19th century Victorian that’s been saddled with aluminum siding. Your maple floors are covered by shag, your oak beams covered with stucco. I wanted to strip you down to the essentials, to the wood and the iron, the copper and the brick.

But I don’t have the time or the money for a fixer upper. I’m settling for a pre-fab condo. It’s easier to look at bright steel and out new windows than be surrounded by walls, reminders of what once was and what could have been.


B. Villa

The Later it Gets, the More I Think of You

You satisfy my needs; you’re just the right size, just the right fit. I can take you as you are, or change you depending on my mood—tonight, I’m thinking extra spicy. I’m not sure our relationship is healthy. It’s rare that we meet without alcohol in play, without the moon in view, but I’m beginning to wonder if we could do this thing that we do sober, during the day.

Perhaps in the light of day, the bloom would be off the rose. Without the hour and the drive from drink, perhaps my hunger will subside.

I’d like to find out, Midnight Burrito.


Re: Damned if You Do


I’m not really sure if this is from you, but if it is; your coffee reflects you, too—3 sugars, cream—you almost forget it’s coffee to begin with.

You contribute to every cause, heal the sick, respect your elders. You smile at every baby whether it’s cute or not.

You are a romantic comedy. All jokes and slapstick, with an improbable end. You’re every boy scout, every crossing guard, every mother, every father. You don’t have any creases or lines, you don’t make mistakes.

You’d be more fun if you were a little drunk; if you had a full sleeve of impulsive tattoos, if you forgot mothers day once and a while.

A few cracks in your armor would make it easier to get to your heart.


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