Posts Tagged 'public transport'

Happy Couples

I love how happy you are.  Your young abandon, your ability to see only each other as you lovingly caress, gaze into each others eyes, and kiss over and over and over again.  You’re unencumbered by the need to be guarded, to hide your love from one another, to play it cool.  You’ve yet to be crushed by another person, or to be crushed by society into staring blankly ahead, quietly holding hands and hiding the feelings you want to express physically. 

And yet. 

I kind of wish you did just hold hands.  I wish you could take pleasure in surreptitious gestures.

I wish you could, just for a moment, hide your love away, rather than displaying it immediately, inescapably in front of me on public transit, casting a horrible spotlight on my desolate existence.

Silently and sincerely, I will love you all the more for your discretion.



You Transport Me

When I’m inside you, I feel like I’m home.  I don’t have a care in the world—my mind is free to wander and play.  I know you’ll take me where I need to go—I know I’ll be safe.

Sure, sometimes you smell funny, and sometimes there are other people I have to share you with, but I still love you public transport.


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