Posts Tagged 'Laugh'


I miss your smile and I miss the way you laugh. You don’t breathe out when you chuckle, you tend to breathe in and trained me, without knowing, to laugh just like you do. Somehow you will never leave me, for I have lost two of my most important things. I lost my lover and my best friend. I think that’s why it is so terribly hard to stop thinking about how happy I was. I still miss you terribly but having the memories helps me through..or maybe they’re only making it worse.


Thanks, ND.

Thanks, ND.


You laugh so hard you run out of breath.  You laugh without inhibition, without regard for the sounds you make or your surroundings.  Your laugh is the reason I exist, the reason I choose my words carefully, the reason I distill my day into something that can fuel your sense of humor.

I wanted to say that I love that you laugh at my jokes, but really, I love that my jokes make you laugh.


TGIGreeny @ Flickr

TGIGreeny @ Flickr





Your Laugh

I spend my nights
Hunched over small pieces of paper
Fragments of the day I’ve collected
Things I think might make you laugh

Your laugh is unique
It’s loud and sharp and beautiful
You cover your mouth, barely controlling it
It’s fuel

I work until dawn, burning the midnight oil.
Refining my lines
Hoping they’ll hit you just right
A giggle gusher.


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