Archive for the 'Bitter Love' Category

Dancing and Mistakes

I’m sorry I never took you dancing.  You were beautiful, but I was lazy.  We stayed in too much, watched too many movies, and drank too many beers.  I should have planned, should have prepped, should have orchestrated every night from the moment you arrived to the next morning.

Krypto @ Flickr

Krypto @ Flickr

Next time there will be picnics in the park, walks by the lake, trips to the coast.  I’ll search the city for live music, theater, new restaurants.  I’ll make reservations.

I know your next won’t be me, but I still hope he takes you dancing.  I hope someone makes up for my mistakes.



I miss your smile and I miss the way you laugh. You don’t breathe out when you chuckle, you tend to breathe in and trained me, without knowing, to laugh just like you do. Somehow you will never leave me, for I have lost two of my most important things. I lost my lover and my best friend. I think that’s why it is so terribly hard to stop thinking about how happy I was. I still miss you terribly but having the memories helps me through..or maybe they’re only making it worse.


Thanks, ND.

Thanks, ND.

Red Flags

I see you in the mall, and you’re lovely.  For a moment, I fantasize about our life together.  Yet the sleuth that lives in my brain abruptly cuts off the daydream.  We could never be together.  I don’t resemble the Abercrombie model on your bag—neither the one with the popped collar nor the one without a shirt whose abs seem to begin at his nipples.  A woman whose nails and hair demand this much attention could never go camping.  Even if I built a time machine and slapped the books out of the hands of my younger self, substituting them for a carefully orchestrated work out regiment and stock tips, I’m not sure I could ever really understand you—Uggs and a skirt just seem impractical in any weather.  

They say you can’t judge a book by its cover, but if Fabio is on it, you know it’s not Moby Dick.



Malingering @ flickr

Malingering @ flickr

Love at First Sight

I loved you at first sight; confident, beautiful, accomplished.  When I looked at you, I saw everything I wanted then, and everything I wanted for the future.  Yet when I closed my eyes, the voice didn’t match the image.  When I listened, the words didn’t match the actions.

You’re the image of perfection, but I’m looking for more than a painting.



MatHampson @ flickr

MatHampson @ flickr


You show up at my doorstep.  I find notes in the mail where the lower case I’s and J’s have hearts floating above them.  You’re beautiful, you’re smart, and if I was your age, I wouldn’t have a chance.  However, I’m old.  Too old.  So I’m going to keep my distance, create distance walking the other way, because if James Mason, the guy who played God, couldn’t make a relationship like this work, there’s no way in hell that we’ve got a chance.

Look me up in a few years if you’re still interested,



MichaelHeilemann @ flickr

MichaelHeilemann @ flickr

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