Archive for the 'Dirty Love' Category


You show up at my doorstep.  I find notes in the mail where the lower case I’s and J’s have hearts floating above them.  You’re beautiful, you’re smart, and if I was your age, I wouldn’t have a chance.  However, I’m old.  Too old.  So I’m going to keep my distance, create distance walking the other way, because if James Mason, the guy who played God, couldn’t make a relationship like this work, there’s no way in hell that we’ve got a chance.

Look me up in a few years if you’re still interested,



MichaelHeilemann @ flickr

MichaelHeilemann @ flickr

You Transport Me

When I’m inside you, I feel like I’m home.  I don’t have a care in the world—my mind is free to wander and play.  I know you’ll take me where I need to go—I know I’ll be safe.

Sure, sometimes you smell funny, and sometimes there are other people I have to share you with, but I still love you public transport.


Thanks to Amy Yu Gray for the new site design! To see more of her talent, check out!!

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